
2023 Memorial Day Weekend?

Date: May 11, 2023
Category: Benji's Blog


Hello GR faithful,

There is lots of excitement around the resort this week!  The golf courses are opening on Friday (today) and with that all of our Summer F&B operations as well.  Sunday F&B will also host the always popular Mother’s Day Brunch, so the catering team is preparing for that.  All of this excitement makes it feel like summer if finally starting!

We have been getting a lot of questions about the bike park, so I wanted to fill everyone in on what is going on around the Mountain.

 Gravity trails

We have been monitoring the melt, and subsequent drying of the trails the last few weeks.  Things are just starting to dry out enough for our crews to be working in the dirt this week.  We have crews working on The Ribbits, Tadpole, Leapfrog and Sector 12.

The trails on the middle of the mountain still a decent amount of machine-made snow on them, however we have tried to strip as much snow as we can to speed up the melt process.

Return to Send’er is in really good shape where it has melted out, but there is still a significant amount of snow in certain places that still needs to melt before it can open.

Kitty Cat, well we won’t be riding that any time soon! haha

The Enchanted flowest (north xc trails)

These trails have dried up nicely and are now open for riding.  Our crews have leaf blown them, and they are riding well.  Please note you must have purchased a trail pass and signed the waiver this year to be able to ride the Enchanted Flowest.  Staff is available to assist with this M-F; 8-4, or by calling 218-865-8016 during those hours.

Memorial Day Weekend?

The big question, will the bike park be open for Memorial Day Weekend?  The answer, we don’t know yet.  However, if the current weather pattern that we currently have holds true, there is a good chance that we will be open with a partial offering.  This will likely be the 4 trails on the south end of the mountain.  We will have a much better idea next week, so stay tuned as the melt/dry unfolds!  In the meantime, Lift Maintenance is working to complete the spring service so that the Sarajevo Express is ready for summer, and the trail crew is working hard to get the trails ready to ride!

We are excited to be getting close, and stoked that our crews are back to working in the dirt!

Benji Neff

Director of Mountain Sports

Giants Ridge